Something different about Me has caught your eye this afternoon. I’m typically quite lean but today My belly is massively engorged. It bulges out from under My dress, causing you to become curious and slightly aroused. I’m typically a stern librarian but I recognize you as one of My favorites. You are always quiet and well behaved. I’ve never had to reprimand you for disturbing the quiet atmosphere of My library. I attempt to brush off your questions but since you are on My good side, I humor you. I lift up My dress to expose My bloated belly and invite you to come closer. I’m interrupted by a barrage of burps as I try to explain My sudden belly growth. Lately I’ve been having issues with a particularly disruptive and rude individual. Their persistent bad attitude and noisiness had to be punished! Barring them from the library simply wasn’t enough. I decided to devour them for lunch instead! Right now they are churning and digesting inside Me, causing quite a bit of gas too! I can tell this fact turns you on. The truth is it amuses Me too. I encourage you to get down and admire My stomach up close. Touch it, rub it and massage it. All the extra stimulation causes Me to boisterously belch. We must be careful to not be loud or someone might catch you and I in this risqué act! I feel a shift in My digestive system and immediately know what it entails. More gas is brewing and it’s deep. It won’t be bubbling up as burps this time. You are too excited to stop now and watch as I sit around in My chair and release several stinky, loud farts. If I toot too much the library might become uninhabitable! I’m sure this won’t be the last time this happens. There is bound to be another noisy person who deserves to be digested. This is so hot and fun but let's keep this experience a secret.